Category: Of interest to student pilots


Photo by Ashley Kirk on Unsplash

How to re-start flight training. And how not to.

Every now and then, a student drops out of training. This happens at my Flight Training Unit, and at other Flight Training Units across the country. And every now and then, a student who has done some previous flight training and stopped taking lessons decides to come back and have lessons once again, and restart… Read more »


Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

When is a defect not a defect?

Every student pilot learns what to do if they discover a problem with an airplane they’ve flown or are about to fly – they write the defect in the journey log, and then – the airplane is grounded until an Aviation Maintenance Engineer fixes the defect and signs a release to say the aircraft is returned to service. Right? Well…


Photo by Thomas Kelley on Unsplash

Electrical health (and safety)

In this post I want to talk about the aircraft electrical system, and some basic knowledge that a pilot should have about it. A student pilot entrusted with responsibility for a single engine piston-powered training aircraft such as the Grob should know it has two sources of electrical power: the alternator, which is driven by… Read more »



Helicopter Flight Training Manual

Airplane pilots might not think to look towards rotary wing training documents (goodness knows there’s enough reading material about airplanes to last a lifetime) but recently I have been perusing Transport Canada’s Helicopter Flight Training Manual, TP 9982E. Some of the content fits into the interesting general knowledge about aviation category, but some is very… Read more »